Saturday, 29 October 2011

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Christy Pe - Professional Model and Brand Ambassador

By: Admin On: 09:20
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  • Christy Pe is a Professional Myanmar Model and Brand Ambassador specialising in lifestyle, fashion and beauty work in New York, U.S.A. Christy come from a Burmese and German Background. Her great-grandfather was a Burmese actor and filmmaker, U Nyi Pu. Christy said that she would like to start her modelling career in Burma (Yangon) in near future.

    Name : Christy Pe
    Nick Name: Sana
    Body Type: 5' 3"/ Slim / Slender
    Sodiac Sign: Aquarius
    Website :

    Christy Says " I am from NYC, and I come from a Burmese and German background. My German is improving, and I also speak ASL (American Sign Language). I hope to speak Burmese one day. I love Burmese food, Burmese cooking and visiting Burma/Myanmar whenever I can. Come Spring, I hope to start my modeling career in Burma (Yangon) as well! I love kittens, baking (especially cupcakes+cookies) and Chinese egg tarts (and spicy mayo). oh, and I also love what I do!"